General Discussion

General DiscussionA question about Running trilanes..

A question about Running trilanes.. in General Discussion

    Hey, Im a scrub and Im just wondering, what makes a trilane "Strong"?
    Is it a high amount of burst or a high amount of disables/stuns or a mixture of both?
    Also, how do you decide if a trilane is weak enough for you to run an aggressive trilane against, and If you do, what do you need in the aggressive tri? o.o
    Also, Umm, could someone give me a few examples of some "Good" trilane drafts? (Both for aggressive tri, and safelane tri :D)

    Im usually too shy to post stuff here too often, but I've been wanting to ask this for a few days now, so I figured I would :3


      There is a ridiculous amount of "Good" Trilane combos and generally wat u want r stuns/slows as this is easiest to execute some examples might be
      Shadow demon/leshrac + carry
      generally u need atleast one reliable stun/disable
      so u could go lion initiate then lina stun then 3 of u right click i honestly dont like trilanes in current meta but u can still have super aggressive dual lanes me and my friends run tiny centaur alot its pretty fun He tosses me in i stun he runs in stuns i double edge
      we also run naga/gyro with net/wave/barage instakill

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        Ah, I remember a few days ago, in a pro game (Forgot which team ran it..) But a team ran Lion, in their trilane iirc. And the caster said he was generally a weak trilaner, which I found weird since he has both a fairly damaging stun and a hex?
        Also I remember hearing/reading that visage is an amazing addition to any trilane due to his high burst at level1?
        Ive done tiny+cent before a couple times, although not really successfully xD
        But yea, ive seen my friends who've made it work really well, and Yea :3


          Visage as a hero, is fucking op in trilane. That damage at level 1, is just too much, and i mean too much.

          As@Dizzy said, you generally need a good and reliable disabler + stunner and a carry in a trilane, to be able to utilize trilane.

          SD is fantastic in trilane and works literary with everyone. sd+kunka and any other disabler, is boud to get kills

          Also last night, i think fanatic went for mira+sd+naga. Enemy doom ( was Na'vi ) was unable to do anything.


            o: Mhmm, I see,
            Yea, Mira+SD or Mira+Bane is pretty OP on their own, so I can see how adding naga to that would rape.
            Was it an offlane Doom? Or were they running an aggressive tri against a safelane doom btw? D:
            Im guessing it was Hvost on doom. :3


              Ye, was safe lane Doom. I was watching on twitch, and literary , every time they had mana there was kill. Oh and it was AA+naga+mirana. I made mistake , watching too much streams.


                Ah Nice :3 And xD

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  In general best trilane heroes in the game atm are Undying, Mirana, Naga, Visage and Weaver. They are good in harassment, 3v3 fights, burst damage and generally all a trilane needs.

                  Jay Ashborne

                    Undying can't be played in the current meta however. Bristle is basically a hard counter.
                    Weaver is rather squishy for a lane unless with well ranged supports IE lina.

                    Bane / Visage / Naga / CM take my votes


                      Mhmm, I see, but Umm, a while back, atleast in the TI, Hvost used to run Weaver on the offlane solo right? Would he really be better in a trilane?
                      If so, which skill build would be optimal for a trilane weaver? Just wondering :3

                      Ah, he'd still be useful if bb is banned out?
                      Wouldn't weaver be okay unless they run an aggressive trilane? I mean like, vs a solo offlane, he should be fairly safe, even if he is squishy, right?
                      And yea, played a lobby match where I faced a CM/Naga/Luna as a BB (Dire), and they managed to keep me zoned out quite hard to a point where Id die if I went to exp range or for creeps, and ended up just stacking ancients..

                      Jay Ashborne

                        Weaver is very squish imho, a sentry and a cm freeze usually secures a kill.
                        Yes Undy OP if BB banned. He works well against heros with no physical AOE ie, Lesh, Lina, SD etc.


                          Mhmm, but that would be vs an offlane weaver right?
                          If weaver is in a safelane trilane, he should be fine, right? (Cuz the situation you suggested wouldnt really happen unless its a solo offlane weaver, or a safelane weaver, facing an aggressive tri?)
                          Unless you mean if he gets ganked by a CM or any support with a decent stun?

                          And o: Okie ^^
                          Umm besides BB, what else counters it? Cleave? Cuz Im not too sure bout a large list of Physical aoe heros D:

                          Edit: I reaaaally appreciate all the responses btw :D Reaaally helps me loads ^^

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                            strong would mean they can hold their own defensively or offensively or both if even more superior

                            defensive = passive, offensive = aggressive

                            i.e. bane/mirana/venge = aggressive strong, somewhat lacking in defense but there's no shortage of disable

                            or dazzle/naix/lich = passive strong, lots of survivability and easy xp deny/lane control

                            the lists of good trilanes can be endless in theory :/


                              Aren't most aggressive trilanes held in the offlane, against the enemies saflelane trilane though?
                              And in the Tri vs Tri situation, how do you gauge that its okay for you to send the aggressive tri against the safelane tri?

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                Edict hits zombies btw. Bet you didn't know that right?

                                Jay Ashborne

                                  Assuming its either aggro or defensive tri, regardless weaver is squishy, and if caught before or even after level six with the correct play is vulnerable in a trilane in my opinion. There can be what if situations all day, but I feel there are better heros for a trilane than weaver as a 1 - 2 role carry. Don't really have time to chat about what if X hero did X thing.

                                  Edit: No I didnt know edict hit's zombies lol.

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                                  King of Low Prio

                                    I find it funny melody talks about how easy a weaver is to kill vs a trilane.......


                                      if you think you can beat their lane, or if your offlane is having too much trouble and needs rotation or gank

                                      Jay Ashborne

                                        Lol'ed hard.

                                        bum farto

                                          Any hero is easy to kill when you are running a trilane, you just have to do it right. Weaver does add the extra obstacles of movement speed and invisibility but as long as you're prepared it is all good.

                                          Brood in a solo lane vs me and Spec (who was only interested in farming)

                                          Wards from the get go, max stun and drain (I usually wouldn't but in this case it was the right thing) to stun out the spiderlings he would send after me and to drain mana to prevent nuking (harder with soul ring but still made spamming it impossible). Wards from the start and ganking from enchantress.

                                          Weaver you need stuns (not slows) and sentries already in lane to kill him. Walking into the lane and dusting is NOT the way to do this, you have to setup before hand.

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                                          Dire Wolf

                                            The most important feature of a trilane is communication. I've run lanes with shadow shaman, earth shaker and a carry and still not gotten kills cus no one is on the same page. If you don't get at least 2 kills it's usually a failed lane cus you're behind in xp.


                                              tri-lane heroes depend on the tri-lane

                                              An agro tri-lane is very different than a safe lane tri-lane. Often times people will do a tri-lane against a solo offlaner, and it goes very badly because they dont get a kill, and don't roam or jungle farm with the supports.

                                              If you aren't killing, gtfo of the XP range of your carry. That concept is beyond most players.


                                                Oh cool :3

                                                Mhmm, I see :3 Tyvm for all the responses from you btw :D ^^ Appreciate it :3

                                                Waii D:

                                                @I dont troll
                                                Ah, i see :3 that makes sense xD

                                                And awesome :D
                                                Yea, slows would be pointless ._. Max movespeed with his 2nd spell. ^^

                                                Shouldnt the supports just smoke, roam and gank mid or something if they can't get kills against the enemy offlane?

                                                Umm, i could be wrong, and frankly Im not even sure, but arent aggressive trilanes in general held against a weak safelane trilane, To make sure the enemy team's carry has a rough early game? (Basically you send a trilane into your offlane, to go 3v3 versus the opponents trilane)
                                                And yea, I guess :3

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                                                  This is what makes it awesome:


                                                  Just watch the bottom lane. Notice all we cared about was pushing the enemy duo out of lane so they were out of XP range (me and witch dr.)

                                                  We kept terror blade alive with heals, and stuns, repel etc. We let terror blade carry have all the last hits.

                                                  Big advantage: Denies enemy XP and gold big time

                                                  Bad advantage: You run the risk of doing this to yourself if you are not aware how to stack/pull lanes when needed. Rule of thumb, if the lane is at their tower with your creeps, its time to stack and pull. Otherwise you are hurting yourself in the end.

                                                  EDIT: If you do end up watching the game anyone here in this thread...... I am wondering what you are thinking about witch doctors player conduct..... I won the game but I didn't have that good feeling afterwards like "oh great I won the game" I was secretly wanting us to lose. Will not be playing with them again.

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                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Yes the supports should roam but often they don't. Someone picks weaver or bh and suddenly everyone has it in their heads oh we should tri lane, regardless of enemy makeup. A lot of times you'll be tri laning vs a solo dark seer or timber or someone you will not kill if they are super cautious and you end up behind in xp and a duo lane could secure farm just as easily. I simply prefer 212 for pubs.


                                                      :3 I know why trilanes are run in the first place, Just didn't know what makes a trilane strong/weak xD but yea, :D ty

                                                      Mhmm, True :D


                                                        more experience --> more awareness of what can happen in lane --> deciding whether or not its strong/weak


                                                          Ah.. D:


                                                            Well to start off with, you need set-up stun. something that's very reliable and that lasts long enough for your allies to get into position. Crystal maiden's frostbite works well, and so do all of lion's skills. Next, you'll need a hero with a very UNRELIABLE stun (like mirana's arrow, leshrac's split earth, or WR's shackleshot) because those have a much higher reward for hitting someone. and, lastly, you need a carry that is not useless early on (someone that has a nuke/DoT skill like Morphling or Luna) so that the kill can be secured.

                                                            The sequence usually goes something like this: enemy is a bit too far forward (or just behind the creepwave). both supports go in, Reliable stun is put down, everyone starts right-clicking. Then the Unreliable stun is used, right clicks still going on. Then, if needed, the carry can use their nuke to get the kill. (oh, and a note to the supports: DO NOT LET YOUR CARRY DIE. even if it means you dying, body-block the enemy, do not let your carry die)

                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                              trilane started cuz some pros couldn't handle dual lanes.