General Discussion

General DiscussionBest region to choose when searching for MM games in Dota 2 and why!

Best region to choose when searching for MM games in Dota 2 and why! in General Discussion

    I am from the US and I normally que on US EAST/WEST servers when searching for MM games. The quality is okay.... But there are too many South American/Non-English speakers that play on the US servers! I also have 300 wins and it is surprising to still see the same old BS you see in low skill games (No wards, all carries, feeders, no communication, ragers, etc).

    In your opinion what are the best regions in terms of match quality to choose for solo or team que?

    Is EU EAST/WEST better than US EAST/WEST?

    Are South American dota plaguing other servers besides the US?

    It has gotten worse as of late for some reason. You can check my recent games if you would like. I lost about 10 games straight in solo que (playing various roles) until winning one with Spectre. My W/L ratio last month was closing in on 50% and now I am back at 48%.


      eu west/east is the most skilled servers with the best players.
      but russia most stable, (+ i have 5ms on russia ) :D


        Honestly, if you still have those kind of players in your game, no region will help because your hidden rating ain't high enough.


          I'm pretty sure a lot of those South Americans you play with live in the US. You can only blame your country :P


            Eu west and east keep crashing lately russia is acceptable but you face only trash there

            SMELLY APE

              If you are an aggressive player, queue in russia. Tower dive every minute lulz. But in terms of MMR, EU West is the highest

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                The china server is the best
                you need to go to to download the chinese dota2 client to play on our server.

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                  If your hidden MMR is low, then changing region wont save you. Likewise, if your hidden MMR is high, then changing server isn't going to hurt you much neither. Even then, there are idiots in every skill bracket, but I guess that goes without saying.

                  I queue on both EU and US servers (mostly EU and US East), and they're the exact same for me. A month or two after the language preferences were introduced, I typically don't have to deal with different languages anymore (regardless of the server I'm playing on).

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