General Discussion

General DiscussionMy best game ever xD (DK)

My best game ever xD (DK) in General Discussion
    Give me a comment (bad/good/enough/worst/best)
    And what item should i buy to make a best built for DK
    Thanks xD


      Dat Vanguard Veno.


        What's wrong? Maybe he uses it for damage reduction :)


          tbh I think she bought it to crit enemies.

          OT: Looks like a stomp to me where u just keep stomping instead of pushing/finishing.

          WRONG TEAM, BITCH!

            So my mistake here is i don't finish the game fast?
            Ok, i admire it as my biggest faults :)
            I will do it faster in next game :p


              I'm not quite sure if you understood what I said, but I'll try to expalin it:

              You've snowballed so hard mainly cause the opposite does mistakes over and over. You get so big that they have absolutely NO chance to fight you. Even if they go 5 they can barely/probably not take you down. Instead of your team pushing or trying to finish the game you just chill around farming heroes.


                Well, the mistake is that you prolonged the game long enough to make some of the poor chaps in the other team probably consider quitting doto :P

                But don't feel too bad about it, I mean, I'd say everyone here is guilty of doing that at least once

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                WRONG TEAM, BITCH!

                  @TO > Well that's right. At very late game 4 heroes try to kill me (Ursa, Tusk, Abba, Drow) but fail, because i still have satanic.
                  And the other mistake is when BS give me his 1st skill to kill them all xD. Very ridiculous to see 1 vs 4

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                    tower damage 6.7 k I'm not sure you're right

                    WRONG TEAM, BITCH!

                      My DK built here for attack speed, if needed i'll build a desolator. Since stacks with his ultimate now.


                        Good stomp, but it is just a pub game where stomps Are always happening


                          You could have finished this sooner. But if your real purpose is stomping the pub, enjoying the killing, that's acceptable.


                            she want to be a killing machine, challenging zeus at killing point :D


                              vangaurd veno is a remnant of vanguard slither in HoN.

                              Franz Stigler


                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                  Why are you posting games that are 21 days old? no one can watch them. So we can only comment on the scoreboard. Looks like you guys farmed the hell out of Bloodseeker & Tusk. Ursa probably never roshaned. Drow probably never ganked or left mid. So in conclusion they were stunned by DK and galed by venomancer like a billion times. Zues ksing like 1/2 the time. Pretty funny 5 stacks vs randoms.

                                  Your account is 1 month old & you have 42% win rate that's horrible! At this rate you will hit 30% by time you play 500 games. You might also wanna read up on this:

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                                  Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                    Between all the hate on the OP, I don't think the amount of your kills shows any skill. But the amount of your deaths is impressing. I don't know if the enemies are just terrible, but the average player would overextend at some time, go 1v5 and die.
                                    So I admire you for not dying :)


                                      How can she died with AC, Heart, and Satanic
                                      Her life is too damn high, even if half-died she can use satanic
                                      So maybe she's immortal xD


                                        I don't see the point of posting a pubstomp on a 20 wins account and ask for people to rate/comment on your performance etc. If you really wanted to improve you'd post a close game where you may or may not have made mistakes. Any half decent player can make a smurf to stomp games and post them up on the internet to make their e-peen bigger.

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                                          Look, mum, I pubstomp'd too!

                                          Lol. I'd always pick an even game where skill matters rather than a pubstomp.


                                            Onslaught above me :D


                                              1. no point on buying bkb against their team set up unless they bought blademail.
                                              2. you should end the game faster as their team is filled with carry. if it was average player that was playing, it will be your team lost.
                                              3. you should try mordiggan as core, its great :D
                                              4. it will be better if you build mjollnir instead of tarrasque as it will gave you more aspd, and more dps...
                                              heres one of my fresh dk play
                                              (fellow indo but play on china region to increase my skill as china pub is really superior than indo pub)