General Discussion

General DiscussionCheck your DOTA2 Skill Rating (DSR)

Check your DOTA2 Skill Rating (DSR) in General Discussion

    So I guess my no-stack Invoker smurf is better than 80% of [A] certain team at a convincing 1819. Not bad, not bad.

    Ples Mercy

      Are you retarded? How is it a bad example. It clearly shows that the algorithm can easily make mistakes. Im not even remotely trying hard, if the toplist which you should to everyone itself is flawed how should the system itself be good then? ;)

      Another example is fameGG, hes not a bad player, but you cannot tell me hes better than 98% progamers. The algorithm is clearly flawed and is therefore not reliable at all.

      And thx, gonna accept and see how ur poor monkeybrain works, might be an interesting experiment! maybe we can finally see whats going on in a tards brain.

      Also Mathismight should join navi right? :'D
      Still unreliable and not accurate at all. Its still nice that someone tries to find an algorithm for a rating, you should just go and polish it alot, since it clearly has aLOT of flaws.

      Этот комментарий был изменён
      Ian Pierre Jean

        It predicts every pro being a pro with 100% accuracy. Pubstars can play better in pubs than even best pros. Team cohesion, strategies and overall teamplay is way more important than simply how someone fares in pub games. Those are 2 different worlds.


          pls give me mine thx
          i expect jadeite

          just Melody

            can u check mine pls


              I still believe EGM should be a liiiiiittle bit higher than 1024. You will obviously be able to predict every pro as a "pro" in your bracket system since your "pro" bracket is way too broad.

              Ian Pierre Jean

                >Benao doto best doto


                Ian Pierre Jean

                  @-_- it's as broad as pro-pub skill levels

                  if you go through EGM match data, there isn't anything impressive to be found. Go look yourself. Compared to other pros, his pub performance is mediocre or he stacked with bad players.

                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                    Rating is not very important at the top of the bell curve. you move a couple rankings up and you have changed a large amount of rating.


                    same thing happened with dotabuff's rating system.

                    see the top of the bell curve. if you are in the top 1% of players you are still there whether your rating is 1500 or 2000.

                    with pros ranking means more than rating


                      dotabuff system had top 1% of players between 1950 rating and 3000 rating.

                      ur talking about very small difference in skill between players that are very very good being represented by a large diff in rating number.

                      here ranking is more informative than rating


                        If you say so mister.


                          just look at percentile . you give too much meaning to the rating number when it is just a means to an end of determining rankings (percentile). 10 rating points mean something way different at 2000 than at 1000. thats the point


                            Hey can you check mine?


                              the queue keeps resetting. check mine manually please

                              Hex: Face Camp

                                Hi i'm trying to use the site, after i reach the que i get a massage to wait 1/2 hour to a hour, but then i'm just back in the que again

                                EZ MID 9k mmr

                                  Check back in 30 minutes, your rating will be there.

                                  You don't have to keep your browser open.


                                    can you check mine

                                    Hex: Face Camp


                                      both go back into que, still have no ratting. maybe its because I havn't played a game in the last week?

                                      King of Low Prio



                                 This guy 1600+ more than Akke and EGM. -.- lel

                                          Slow Hands

                                            moved backwards in the que twice now haha. given it's only taking the past 20 games I didn't think it would take all that long to calculate, at least compared to the first time it was put up if it was doing your whole profile.


                                              Can you explain why is this guy the top?


                                                check mine for me thanks, moving backwards in queue


                                                  the queue is going backward =( ... Endless waiting ya ~


                                                    Emerald 944

                                                    I guess since I only really stack with one guy frequently I'm destined to remain at the most average of the average levels. Heh.

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      shit is garbage


                                                          Can u check mine pls ?


                                                          from 200 to now 5k, LOL ... later will be 10k? =____=

                                                          LET ME TAKE A #SELFIE

                                                            check mine plz
                                                            expect some bronze shit


                                                              can you check mine please



                                                                why the f im moving up in q?
                                                                does it get reset everytime i press go?

                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                  lol Darkness. That would serve you right, unfortunately it is not correct. The queue appears to be ordered by steam_id, thus those with older accounts are getting served first.


                                                                    Pretty sure the new system is even worse. I thought my ~1250ish in the old one was far too high, on the new one i am apparently 1775.


                                                                    I think I'm mostly playing decent players, but 1775? lol

                                                                    Must be because I solo queue and I played well in 16 of my last 17 matches, the 3 before that were shit too IDK. Looks like the new system is really anti-stack

                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                      I got 1440ish and a friend of mine who plays better than me got less than 1100


                                                                        my queue count is up to 4000


                                                                          @sano, better player =/= higher rating. That much is clear. Stacking, unbalanced matches (maybe facing and getting weaker allies/opponents due to queuing at bad times) and maybe just not playing as well as he can may have led to a lower rating. Still worth noting that anything over 1000 is really good. Like I said yesterday, in DBR which had the entire player base, you had wood tier at ~1000, diamond at ~2000 (top 1%) and the best at like ~2700 or something. So for DSR, which only has people that have put their ID in the queue, a rating of 1000 is still pretty damn high..

                                                                          Ian Pierre Jean

                                                                            I think you are in the VH bracket if you get 700-900 DSR

                                                                            High is around 400

                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                              Queue is going backwards, any chance you could calculate mine for me?



                                                                                Why only last 20 games? I feel that is really low, it should look at like 50-100 games. Please refine, thanks alot.


                                                                                  Lol does the queue position actually mean anything? It just seems like random numbers to me :P


                                                                                    The Queue is going up and up all the time, can u please calculate mine



                                                                                      Check my rating if you dont mind. I was around 500 in queue earlier and resubmited to a 900 waiting list ;(


                                                                                        Relax guys, knowing your number now or in a day isn't going to change anything. Just check it again tomorrow. Yes the number is going up, but its still working.

                                                                                        Funny though, I put 3 accounts (this smurf, and 2 mains that I rotate between) in the queue at the same time, and only one of the accounts has gone through.


                                                                                          shit i suck now.... even though 90% of my games are on first page

                                                                                          i shouldnt stack with sucky players it seems


                                                                                            went from 921 to 1674. yay, thank god its only "fresh" matches haha


                                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                              Well, I've been waiting all night for this and it's still not ready :(


                                                                                                mine went from 980 to 101 xD wtf