General Discussion

General DiscussionHow much regen needed?

How much regen needed? in General Discussion

    If Huskar gets doomed, he will certainly die with low health.

    How much regen is needed to prevent death, anyone know or tested?


      Umm, that's a weird question, don't you need the same hp regen as the damage? dmg - 25% magic red

      Dread Pirate Cat

        23 / 38 / 53 (38 / 60 / 83 for aghs doom)

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          53 applies to other heroes, but not Huskar.

          Huskar has like 98% magic resistance near death.

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            Grimorum, his passive doesn't work when Doomed


              When did that change? In 6.78, I clearly remember surviving with only 300 HP during doom.
              I didn't even have pipe.

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                It changed with 6.79.