General Discussion

General Discussionhow to get to high bracket

how to get to high bracket in General Discussion
positive influence

    so basically,i'm looking for an elaborate answer,on what does one have to do to get to high bracket
    note that i don't really like to stack


      Feed and get carried by your team
      Ez mode


        Play selfishly with high impact heros


          Win alot of games
          have good kd
          > profit

          SMELLY APE

            dont suck, u have DK as ur picture so u shouldnt suck

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            Woof Woof

              watch V-God in action
              learn from nr1 WW


                how do you know what bracket you are anyway? everything shows up as normal

                Woof Woof

                  set one day window go through 50,000games played on that day with x hero in x bracket -> then hope for the best
                  #competitive game 2013

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                    Start new account
                    Win one game
                    High/Very High


                      get good kda n gpm/xpm buy wards if desired as well as up chick. play heroes of each role successfully or at least two proficient enough to have 60% + w/r on them. don't try to be mvp too much otherwise you will start getting tardos. most of all be a team player and don't flame others for their mistakes. bad behavior promotes bad gammplay i don't give a shit what others say about that.

                      King of Low Prio

                        I just troll the other team and they start making horrible mistakes to try and get me


                          THERE ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE IN NORMAL BRACKET WITH A DECENT KDR/KDA! It's not just about your kdr, it's about who you win and lose against. If you're somehow matched up against players who are higher skill level and you beat them, you're that much closer to getting to a higher level.

                          King of Low Prio

                            ^that as as well, there are alot of times in which I have to toss my k/d out the window to win(rat dota :D)

                            Low Expectations

                              Play heros like Huskar (without heavy stuns on their team ur invincible) or PL (survive 25-35 min you are invincible) or take an avrage good friend and play Wisp -CK/tiny/ursa


                                Practice farming and try not to die


                                  and to be honest it isn't about win rate either there are ppl out there with 50-60% wrs and yet they can play in the normal bracket still. dotas mmr takes into consideration a lot of factors, moreso than people give it credit for. for instance if cm goes mid and dominates the lane and is dominant throughout the entire game that and if you can replicate that gameplay consistently that would be considered a huge mmr boost. i think dota takes the average stats of a hero and pools those values together to come up with skill lvl . the further you deviate from the average successfully the higher it will boost your mmr