General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: Phoenix too strong

    Bad: Too many deaths. Feed

    Protato BBnoZAR

      Pro phoenixs
      No bad that I can see


        Happy hedgehog
        Good : pl kda wtf
        bad: uber boring heroes in top wtf


          Good: ursa (omfg)

          Bad: Dont go blink + force staff on Zeus. (agh+refresh)

          Bone Chilling

            good: seems like your last game was fun!

            bad: you sound stupid trying to teach V-god what to build lol

            Bad Intentions

              Good: wr
              Bad: wr in a 2nd tier league

              [DFG] Whale King

                Good: Makes me giggle when you mention server leagues :) Just play on the one with low ping.
                Bad: I don't know... You make me laugh so I can't say much

                Bone Chilling

                  good: storm kda

                  bad: overall wr

                  PS: what did the guy above u mean? xD

                  [DFG] Whale King

                    Alright so basically he always says that the BEST players are on SEA servers and it's much harder to do well there than anywhere else :) Almost ALL of his posts mention it one way or another!
                    Good: LICH PROFILE PICTURE! Best character after Illidan!
                    Bad: SO MANY PUDGE GAMES... but then again I think I recognize you as the guy the the abomination picture... maybe now you'll main lich!

                    Bone Chilling

                      Thanks for explaining! =) And yeah, you're right, been enjoying lich a lot lately, haven't picked pudge in like forever ^^

                      good: raped your last game hard

                      bad: your draw needs some love

                      [DFG] Whale King

                        Anytime! Especially if you're going to be so nice about it :)
                        good: You actually vary your item build every game as lich with some staples ( Blink), while still buying wards (I assume from your game where you have sentries in inventory). I'd love to have a good support that can adapt.
                        Bad: I haven't play Draw since my first two months of Dota :) However YOU need to show your storm a bit more love! Only 13 games! Don't you want to hear his bouncy voice?!

                        Also you'd be surprised how badly that game started haha! Our team barely won that, 48-61.

                        For the person below me: No shame in trying to get good at a hero! Won't get better if you don't play!

                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                          Good: Great KDA ratio with storm considering the matches c:

                          Bad: low WR on Drow I guess? Sniper > Drow all the way ^-^

                          pls no LS comments.

                          Bad Intentions

                            good: 4.5k MMR
                            bad: few games, smurf? beginner? both?


                              bad intentions

                              good : fish lover
                              Bad: wtf stop playing fish




                                Hex Sigma

                                  gud: invoker
                                  bad: rat furion needs more wins

                                  COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                    Good: Zeus, Necro, windrunner

                                    Bad: WK, nyx clinks and tiny :O and the poor shaman


                                      Good : Omniknight winrate and Aghanims winrate :)
                                      Bad : Invoker winrate and 48% winrate :(


                                        Good: Winrate and seems to be a good invoker player
                                        Bad: Silencer & Windranger
                                        BTW (haven't played riki in over a year)

                                        Bad Intentions

                                          good: KDA record on OD
                                          bad: seems to have good stats, but not winning, are you a whiner in game?

                                          Sexy Vicious

                                            Good: KDA and win rate on top 3 heroes
                                            Bad: Plays too much of the same heroes

                                            Bad Intentions

                                              Good: u still play with that friend even u have 35% wr with him
                                              Bad: few games, need to play more games.


                                                Good: sweet slardar streak, keep up the good work, you'll become the best slardar.
                                                Bad: You dont have a big hero pool, you should make it bigger.


                                                  Good: Adapted pretty well to the Earth Spirit rework. Plays Rubick :D

                                                  Bad: Still overused him when he was blatantly OP.


                                                    Good - a support player with nice winrates on all of top played heroes.
                                                    Bad - maybe few of the other heroes like windranger, silencer and shadow demon.


                                                      Good - Dat Mirana WR + KDA :o And 27 Winstreak wtf haha

                                                      Bad - I guess you can start working on your other heroes lol


                                                        Good: Awesome support player + Elder Titan (can't play him)

                                                        Bad: Other roles need some love


                                                          Good: Loves Invoker
                                                          Bad: seems to be on some losing streak..

                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                            good: latest huskar match(holey shiet)
                                                            bad: too much riki I guess..


                                                              Good: Plays lots of heroes and tries to master them.
                                                              Bad: highest gpm is a bit low and u dont play ranked :( (go try hard mate :P)

                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                Good: slightly above avg kdas on top heroes
                                                                Bad: you really need a consistent team, but hey, u got a good wr.


                                                                  Good: Those slardar games! What dedication. lol.
                                                                  Bad: Best heroes all carries.


                                                                    good: nice winrate and KDA with most played heroes!

                                                                    bad: hmm pudge i guess:D


                                                                      Good: A lot of kills every game, I guess.

                                                                      Bad: Cancerous Invoker picker. Seriously, die. And after Invoker is Mirana and Pudge? Wow

                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                        good: experienced lich and nyx player, lots of games, veteran.
                                                                        bad: avg kdas, need a really sync team

                                                                        Yeezy duz it

                                                                          good: SLLAAARRRDDAAARRRRRRRRR
                                                                          bad: SLLAAARRRDDAAARRRRRRRRR

                                                                          btw nice 777 losses


                                                                            Good: Most played heroes includes a lot of supports. :D
                                                                            Bad: Most played hero is WK. >=[


                                                                              Good: Some nice stats on some heroes
                                                                              Bad: not enough games to really judge.


                                                                                good: Great Luna!! and overall winrate!

                                                                                bad: Well nothing is bad.. i still like your stats! wp

                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                  You need to edit it for me =/

                                                                                  John Matrix

                                                                                    Good: luna, and overall pretty decent carry
                                                                                    Bad: never supports.

                                                                                    Sexy Vicious

                                                                                      Good: that Dazzle
                                                                                      Bad: gotta update them records

                                                                                      Bone Chilling

                                                                                        good: I like your avatar

                                                                                        Bad: lost your longest match


                                                                                          Good: Can actually play Pudge. Almost every role in your most played.

                                                                                          Bad: Still too much Puge.

                                                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                                                            goood: 90% wr when u buy BOT, supporter
                                                                                            bad: u nid a good carry player, or basically a really good team


                                                                                              Good : all dat pub stomper winrates!
                                                                                              Bad : negative overall winrate.. just queue them slardar all the way!


                                                                                                Good : you can carry with ursa very well
                                                                                                Bad : try more supports and dafuq with your name!?

                                                                                                  Этот комментарий был удален



                                                                                                      YES, IM POST 6000!! FKCIN EPEEN BOYS